- Xarxa FP is a European non-profit association created in 1999 gathering 38 cities from 15 EU countries working together on VET mobility and innovation. Together they represent more than 600 VET Schools including more than 250 000 VET students.
- Xarxa FP arranges work placements for VET students and trainings for VET teachers in European cities members of the network. Every year around 500 young European students and almost 300 VET teachers participate in mobility training actions.

Some of the major companies
Pre-Primary Schools https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/escolesbressol/es/
LEVI’S Store https://www.grupgalceran.com//
Factoría de Proyectos https://www.factoriadeproyectos.com
Teamlabs https://www.teamlabs.es/en
Ilunion Hotels https://www.ilunionhotels.co.uk/
Gallery Hotel https://www.galleryhotel.com/en
Useful links
Xarxa FP Student and Staff Mobility Impact Study 2014-2018 I Xarxa FP Student & Staff Mobility Impact Study (2014-2018)
Key Action 2 Erasmus+ projects of Strategic Partnerships for VET
Manual of Good Practises in Industry , VET and Gender
Infographic on industrial VET, skills and gender cap
Infographic on port companies, employment needs and trends in VET recruitment

International projects for students & staff
VET Guide in Barcelona city and Metropolitan area

- Government of Catalonia: https://web.gencat.cat/en/inici/index.html
- Ministry of Education and VET: https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/portada.html
- Ministry of Culture and Sports: http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/en/cultura.html
- Visit Barcelona: https://www.barcelonaturisme.com/wv3/en/
- Visit Catalonia: https://www.catalunya.com/?language=en
- Official Portal of Tourism of Spain: https://www.spain.info/en/