Fun facts:
- short highlights from country

Here you can find information about the German business life of network area and get the idea of the jobs offered by the area.
Cologne’s chamber of commerce and industry
Different apprenciship options in Cologne (in German)
Federal institute for Education and Training
Different crafts professions in Cologne (in German)

Here you will find more country-specific information on safety, cultural specifies, occupational safety, educational system etc.
An overview on the German educational system
Information on German vocational training
What to do in North Rhine-Westphalia; unique people and stories as well news and highlights
What to do in Cologne, where to stay, eat and drink, shopping, events, business
Everything you need to know when wanting to get to know the city as a tourist (in German)

This digital schedule shows the individual steps to be taken before, during and after an Erasmus+ internship (German students).